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Born in 1963, in Luanda, Angola. There, in the seventies, heard rock and local ethnic music in between radio sounds from my father’s electricity and radio workshop. Saw a lot of films at open-air cinemas. With the independence of the Portuguese colonies moved to Setúbal.
At age 15 commenced as a self-taught guitarist. In 1982 formed an experimental music project with Vitor Joaquim. Attended Classical Guitar and Music courses in the Luísa Todi Music and Fine Arts Academy (Setúbal, Portugal) and studied in the Château-Thierry Municipal Conservatory (France). Member of the choirs of both cities.

Has a degree in Cinema and Sound Engineering at the Lisbon Film and Theatre School (ESTC - Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema). 

Has the Title of Specialist on Sound for Audiovisual and Multimedia, awarded by the Instituto Politécnico de Tomar.

Took part in various workshops and courses on "Structures, Forms and New Technologies in Improvised Music", supervised by Carlos “Zingaro”, Peter Kowald and Richard Teitelbaum; "Music and Sound Design for Film, Video and Games", supervised by Bruce Pennycook; "Orchestra of Loudspeakers – Sound Spacialization", directed by Miguel Azguime; "Initiation to Real Time Sound Programming and Manipulation in Max/MSP Environment", teached by Isabel Pires, "Electroacoustic Music Composition", directed by Gilles Gobeil.

Assistant to the composer and musician Carlos “Zingaro” between 1997 and 2000.

Participated in concerts and intermedia performances with the likes of Carlos "Zíngaro", Günter Müller, Carlos Santos, Otomo Yoshihide, Nuno Morão, Rudiger Carl, Vitor Joaquim, Ulrich Mitzlaff, Matt Wand, Ernesto Rodrigues, Nuno Rebelo, Mike Beck, Miguel Cabral, Erik M, António Chaparreiro, Phill Niblock, João Silva, Ricardo Guerreiro, Renato Chiunfrini, Pedro Lopes, Flak, Pedro Alçada, José Oliveira, Adriana Sá, Ben Rubin, Ludger Lamers, Isabelle Schad, Olga Roriz, Margarida Bettencourt and João Natividade, among others.

Works on a regular basis in the areas of musical composition, performance and production, sound engineering, editing and design for films, documentaries, art installations, stage plays, dance, performance art, intermedia and television advertising in Portugal, Spain, France, Germany and the UK. Collaborations include Jorge Silva Melo, Pedro Sena Nunes, Fernando Matos Silva, Luís Fonseca, Fernando Lopes, José Barahona, João César Monteiro, Paulo Rocha, Sandro Aguilar, Walter Avancinni, Rita Palma, Jeremy Cooper, Margarita Ledo Andion, Paulo Mendes, Julião Sarmento, João Onofre, Anabela Costa, Maria Joana Fernandes, Antonino Solmer, Fernanda Lapa, Diamantino Ferreira, John Clease, Marco Martins, Miguel Coimbra, Gideon Nell, Edson Ataíde, Keith Rowe, Gush, Roof, Silvia Barrios, Greg Moore, Carlos Bica, Bernardo Devlin, Coty Cream, Osso Exótico, Michael Gira, Current Ninety Three, Antony, Simon Finn, Baby Dee, Six Organs of Admittance, Artistas Unidos, Karnart, Cão Solteiro, Teatro Meridional, Teatro da Cornucópia, Teatro da Comuna and Teatro Estúdio Fontenova.

He is teacher on Sound and Music for Cinema, Audiovisual and Multimedia at the ESTC-IPL - Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema and at the ESCS-IPL - Escola Superior de Comunicação Social.

As a Musicain, Sound Designer, Editor and Engineer for Cinema and Audiovisual, taught lessons at ETIC - Escola Técnica de Imagem e Comunicação, RESTART - Instituto de Criatividade, Artes e Novas Tecnologias, Videoteca Municipal de Lisboa, Granular - Associação, Encontros de Viana, Festival de Curtas-Metragens de Vila do Conde, IPA - Instituto Superior Autónomo de Estudos Politécnicos, ESAD-CR-IPL - Escola Superior de Artes e Design, AR.CO - Escola de Artes, ESTA-IPT - Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Abrantes, ESMAE - IPP - Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espectáculo, ESMAD - IPP - Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design, Cinemalogia - Festival Caminhos do Cinema Português, World Academy, including workshops and conferences.

Head of the Sound and Music Department at ETIC - Escola Técnica e Imagem e Comunicação, between 2006 and 2010.

Director and founding member of the GRANULAR Association, between 2002 and 2018.

PhD Student in Science and Art Technology - Computer Music, in the UCP - Universidade Católica do Porto, with the advising of the composer Dr. António de Sousa Dias.



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